Important Disclaimers
Income Disclaimers and Use of Products
We will NEVER guarantee ANY type of results or success, whether it be - income, followers, reach, etc. - with the use or resale of our digital products. Individual results will vary from person to person and are dependent on numerous factors.
This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. We only believe in putting in the work, learning the materials, and putting them into practice. Again, this does not guarantee any type of success or income. It is important to recognize that factors such as your efforts, strategies, and the constantly changing market and digital space will affect any type of results at any given time.
It is your responsibility in your business to make these actions and decisions to use the tools and resources we provide to help you on your digital journey.
Products purchased are NOT a substitute as relevant professionals such as, a financial advisor, legal expert, or business consultant. We highly encourage you to seek out these professionals if you have any questions or concerns about potential income so that they can correctly guide you and give you professional advice for your specific situation.
By using our products, customers acknowledge that they are responsible for their own decisions and actions, and we shall not be held liable for any consequences made from the application of the content provided in our products.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or concerns!